The society has been on a long hiatus since the early stages of the pandemic, but now things are opening up again, we’re starting to wake up from a long slumber.
We have a new home!
We’re now running our weekly workshops – starting Wednesday 17th Nov @ 1900-2100 at the Subud Hall in Baildon (2A Baildon Rd, opposite the Junction Pub) there is parking in the streets nearby – not at the hall please!
If you do go to the Kirkgate Centre, you won’t find us 🙁 but you may find lots of other activities as they’re always busy.

As usual our workshop sessions are open to all, and cost £5 (£3 unwaged)
First two sessions are free for new members!
COVID Safety
Please wear a mask if possible. Hand sanitiser will be provided. More details on the Facebook page!