It went very well, thank you everyone who turned up. If you’re reading this wondering if you should turn up then I have to say definitely. The energy was good, people worked well together, and the experienced people and the beginners worked superbly together. All went well. And we had an amazing lightning storm in the middle of the session. I’m going to take that as an omen. Of something. Born in a lightning storm.

Tomorrow… tomorrow I would love to have time to get laminated signs up saying the session doesn’t start ’til 7pm. The sign on the door says 6.30 because that’s when we can get in to start setting the room up. Turn up at 6.30 and you’re welcome, but you’re helping us shift tables. Session starts at 7pm. It doesn’t matter if you’re late, not on a general session. Come rehearsals and you’ll damage your own experience and that of other people by turning up late, so don’t do it. In a general session though, it’s going to be very rare that it’s a problem. Turn up.

The ramped entrance is to the left of the main door. It’s not obvious, a sign would be a good idea.

A kettle! Trish (and I think Tina) brought lots of tea and coffee, and we had no kettle. So yes, ok, kettle.

Programme wise, fingers crossed that the people who came stay with us. This gives us a broad range of skills and experiences, which is great for the beginners, and we’ll have to see what the experienced group want to do. Personally I’d like to have a go at some fairly modern classics; Ionescu, Albee would be sadly topical. I’m shamefully lacking in my knowledge of world theatre, this would be a great chance to expand my horizons a bit. I’d like work by new playwrights and female ones.

That’s the lovely thing about having strength in depth, we can take on more than one project and we can explore many different forms. And it’s all good.
